Spook spotlight: Meet Ghostface
Some homeowners hang wreaths above their door to greet seasonal guests. At Spirits on Sproat, we've got a black-hooded homicidal maniac hovering above our door--armed with a butcher knife and ready to strike. Ghostface, as he's known on the street, would love to make your acquaintance some dark and stormy night when you're making Jiffy Pop and talking to your friend on the phone. For that matter, he's free pretty much any night for some quick carving--although he volunteers to read books to the blind on Tuesday evenings, so mark that date off your calendar.
What's not to love about Ghostface? Case in point:
What's not to love about Ghostface? Case in point:
- Creator: Norwegian painter Edvard Munch and greedy Hollywood executives eager to milk Generation X dry
- Favorite haunt: Our front porch (since we cut off his legs)
- Little-known fact: Cheated death and the 15 minutes of fame rule
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