Breaking News

62 people have 44% of all wealth...

I feel sick... did this happen...
(stats from Oxfam - article from Huffington Post)

"The Autopsy Garland" by The Mountain Goats

 One clear shot or else he gets away
Red sun high in the sky tonight
Look west from London down to old Hollywood
Remember the first days in California

You don't want to see these guys
Without their masks on
You don't want to see these guys
Without their masks on

Fat rich men love their twelve year olds
Deco cuff links and cognac by the glass
Look west from London toward the Emerald City
Remember Minnesota

You don't want to see these guys
Without their masks on
You don't want to see these guys
Without their masks on, or their gloves

Sweet spearmint and bitter tangerine
Bedside decked with roses
Look west, look west, look west and look away
From old familiar faces

You don't want to see these guys
Without their masks on
You don't want to see these guys
Without their masks on

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