Breaking News

I've lost my head!

Kitchen centre piece
A few days ago we had monster rain storm here as a result of the weather systems influenced by Hurricane Matthew. Roads washed out, flooded basements, houses off their foundations, cars disappearing into ditches, states of emergency declared in several towns! The cleanup and repair bills are gonna be massive in a province that is already financially strapped. Eek!

But storms do happen here in September or October. And every few years (5 year El Nino cycle?) it seems to be a bad one. The first autumn we moved back here last time (in 2010) we got hit with Hurricane Igor. At the time we were renting a place right near the Waterford River. This torrent of water was usually a slow babbling brook only inches deep. The water level rose about 6 feet in a few hours and was causing me some concern!

But this time the city was lucky that most of the 160 millimetres of rain were in the central part of the province; where others weren't so lucky.

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