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The Fantod Pack

As interpreted by
Madame Groeda Weyrd
"Madame Weyrd, who is of mixed Finnish and Egyptian extraction, has devoted her life to divination, and is the author of, among a shelf of other works, Floating Tambourines, a collection of esoteric verse, and the The Future Speak Through Entrails. Her career as one of the most celebrated of trance mediums came to a close when she lost two and a third fingers as the result of a contretemps during an ectoplasmic manifestation. She has long since been persona non grata to many of the rich and famous because of her fearless predication of disaster. She now makes her home on Staten Island (the one that's part of Tierra del Fuego) and is writing what it is hoped may be the definitive treatise on the Mystic Bean. 

Of the Fantod Pack itself, Madame Weyrd will only say that its origin may not be divulged, but it is of incredible antiquity."

I was lucky to discover these in the sale section of the National Gallery, Edinburgh

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