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Watch ALL HALLOWS EVIL: LORD OF THE HARVEST (2012) Full Movie, Screencaps and Posters

Last year Southlan Films uploaded their great Halloween horror film All Hallows Evil: Lord of the Harvest to YouTube for free. Looks like they did again this year with this post from the film's Facebook page: "ALL HALLOWS EVIL IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING THROUGH HALLOWEEN NIGHT. ENJOY THE FILM AND HAPPY HALLOWEEN." Watch below after the synopsis, the film is not rated and contains adult language, partial nudity and violence. Parental discretion is advised. SYNOPSIS: An Evil force is summoned on All Hallows Eve, and now the sleepy town of Hallowed Hill will endure the dark Lords vengeance.

Watch All Hallows Evil: Lord of the Harvest (2012) full film below or at Youtube here:

Screencaps/Animated Gifs:

The Myers House NC featured in the film:

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